Friday, January 31, 2025

Skin Cancer Number 20

skin cancer biopsy
Tuesday was my six month checkup with the dermatologist. Since I have had so many skin cancers, she has me come in every six months for a full body review. There was a pre-cancerous spot on my left arm that she zapped with liquid nitrogen, but also a spot on my right arm near the shoulder that she was concerned about. It looked suspiciously like the squamous cell she removed from my left arm last March. She removed a small piece for biopsy.

Surprisingly I received the path report this morning. That came back fast! It was indeed cancer, only this time an early basal cell. The doctor cannot fit me in until March 5th for removal of it. Because it is so small and a basal cell, she will again do an ED&C procedure to take it off and I won't require Moh's surgery. This makes skin cancer number 20, of which 4 were squamous cell and 16 basal cell. Early detection is the key here, but holy moly that is a lot of skin cancer!

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