Monday, February 4, 2019

Photography Challenge Week 5

Dogwood Photography Challenge Week 5
For Week 5 the challenge was to shoot a composition using symmetry in landscape to create a new viewpoint. I thought I knew what that meant, but I did an internet search looking for examples just to make sure I understood correctly. Basically if you can divide the photo in half either vertically or horizontally and both halves are a mirror of each other, then the picture is symmetrical.

We went to the Audubon Center at Riverlands to look for the trumpeter swans who over-winter in this area on Sunday morning. It was incredibly foggy, so at first we could only hear the swans but couldn't see them. When the fog somewhat lifted, it was a gray and dreary sky so not the best for taking photographs. This is the best I could do under the circumstances. Again, this challenge is all about learning, so at least I am more clear on how to find and shoot symmetry in the future.

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