Friday, November 6, 2009

Goodnight, Moon

I took this picture of the full moon last week, and I feel like sitting here howling at it. My books are still at the printer. "Supposedly" I can pick them up tomorrow morning. If you want to know the whole, sordid tale check out my other blog I may be going back to the local bookstore and taking their copies back to have on hand Sunday. I think I'll put a section for printing companies on my website.

In the good news category, aforementioned bookstore has sold several copies of the book, I have my business cards printed, the Webster-Kirkwood Times mentioned my book signing in the Calendar section and my book was discussed on the website located at so positive things happened this week as well.

As I was driving down to the printers for the third time this week I was struck by the irony that as I passed the Johnny Brock's Halloween billboard on I-44 the radio was playing "It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year". Remember when the Christmas carols and decorations became pronounced after Thanksgiving?

1 comment:

Mrs. Wryly said...

I'm a firm believer in the full moon phenomenon! There's something about that reflecting globe in its circular glory that makes the planet Earth go all haywire.

Next book, schedule major events to avoid the full moon!