Usually I work out at a women's fitness club first thing on Monday mornings. With an eye on the weather forecast and a glance at the yard, I decided I better mow the grass instead. I had no sooner gassed up the lawnmower when it began to sprinkle. To mow or not to mow, that was the question. Deciding it was nobler to at least make an attempt (and mow the parkway which my husband had missed last Thursday during the first of two mowings that he undertakes each season), I scurried along behind the mower to the front yard. Though it was raining a little harder, I wanted to try and get the entire front yard done today. We have a fairly large lot, but I was game. It was at this point that I realized I had now become one of the idiots I scoff at who mow the grass in the rain. With a race against the predicted one inch of rainfall, I managed to get the back yard done as well. On the plus side, I was not hot as I mowed today.
I ended this rainy day by taking the graduation quilt over to my friend's house. Kathy has a twelve foot long-arm quilting machine, and I have hired her to do the finish quilting. This is the largest quilt I have ever made, and I would really have to struggle to do the quilting on my sewing machine. Since this quilt is for someone else, I want to make sure it looks professional. When Kathy is done, which will be in two weeks as she has other quilts ahead of mine, I will just need to add the binding and it will be ready to give to the graduate's mom. Hopefully, a few days ahead of the deadline. Now I need to start on my own graduate's quilt...