More pickleball drama...On Thursday I played with a man I shall call DH. It is only the second time I have seen him, and I believe he is new to the game. He plays well, though, since he comes from a racquetball background. DH and I were partners for what ended up being his last game of the morning. It was a super-fun game, with the score bouncing back and forth between us and the other team. Pickleball is played to 11 points, but you must win by two points. DH and I won 13-11. As we were sitting on the bleachers catching our breath he says to me, "Don't take this wrong, but the ladies here play pretty well." I agreed, "Yes, they do." Then he says, "Well, the court is a lot smaller so there is less running. That levels the playing field." Really, DH? You think women can't run as much as men? I know some women that could totally kick his butt! As I was trying to restrain myself from using my paddle on a different type of ball, he left for the day. I could not even believe he would say such a thing. People have no filters these days - if they think it, they say it.
Small Works - Kim Wolterman |
Striking a Chord |
Friday night was the artists' reception for the opening of Small Works III at the Webster Groves Public Library. This is a juried exhibition of works on a smaller scale, and with a musical theme. I had submitted a couple of pictures, and the one of a man sitting on the steps in San Juan, Puerto Rico was selected to be in the show. I titled it, "Striking a Chord", and had it printed onto metal. The metal really makes the colors pop, I think. The turnout at the reception was pretty good.
The Women in Focus photography group has been asked to do a show in November at the Gretchen Brigham Gallery at Union Avenue Church downtown. Hosted by the Arts Group of Union Avenue, we can each submit up to four jpgs to the juror for consideration in the show. They don't want us to use any of the photos that we exhibited in our last two shows, so I'll have to think about this one. It gets expensive to print and frame these photos for the various shows, and I have yet to make a sale to recoup any of the costs. I know our fearless leader will be disappointed if only a few of our members submit, so I'll probably come up with something.
Signing off to get back to work on my presentation for the St. Louis Publishers Association. I'll be talking about why every author needs a business plan for their book.
I did not know your pieces were for sale at these shows, and I am shocked to hear you have not made a sale! Maybe Juan will turn that around for you. He is a great subject with lots of texture.
Pickleball Man knew he was crossing into a risky subject when he said, "Don't take this wrong...." I hope you have an opportunity to take him on again:)
Hello Kim,
My name is David Fletcher -- I am a historian (adjunct) teaching at Elon University and UMUC. I just found a reference to your From Buckeye to G.I. book about your father, and have some questions (I plan to order a copy, but wanted to contact you directly as well). I have just completed a similar project about my grandfather, who served in the ground crew in the CBI Theater (Kharagpur, then Pengshan, China, and finally on Tinian) in the 468th/794th of the XXth AF from 1943-45. Your father's story sounds much the same in many respects, as does the process for writing it that you described to Linda Austin back in 2011 (that is where I first saw the book mentioned, while looking for other CBI memoir literature online). I wonder if you could send an email to my Elon address to establish a contact, so that I could ask some source questions? I have found quite a lot while researching my grandfather's photo album and stories (I have even been to his old airbase in China), but you may know some places/resources I have not yet checked (I would be more than happy to share with you what I have found also, if you are still interested in finding more -- maybe to share with others?). I also have a blog on which I have posted a handful of his War photos (from a collection of c.400+), these being mainly of people whom I have not been able to identify. The site is http://itonscave.blogspot.com/. Many thanks (in advance) -- and a parting question: Roger Sandstedt (another CBI veteran who wrote My B-29 Story -- available on Amazon), though he has recently passed away, sent me an email about the fire in 1973 at the St. Louis facility which stores many veteran WW2 records. If you would like to hear what he had to say about that (you are close and maybe could investigate it further), I can share his views on the fire also. My Elon address is dfletcher2@elon.edu. Looking forward to hearing from you -- and thanks for your father's memoir and other historical work! Dr. David T. Fletcher
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