Our Harris Teeter store, in a new 100,000 square foot space, finally joined the ranks of other retailers in offering early shopping hours for those over 60 years of age. It begins at 6:00 AM (apparently they don't think we need our sleep) and is only on Mondays and Fridays, but hey, it's something. Jim was there a little after 6 this morning, and found a crowded parking lot and store with no chance of maintaining 6' of distance from anyone. The whole point is to get the more vulnerable population in and out of the store before it gets busy. He said a number of the shoppers were well below the 60 mark too. No respect...
toilet paper |
He headed immediately to the toilet paper aisle where, wonder of wonders, there was actually some on the shelves for the first time since this pandemic was given its illustrious name. We hadn't seen TP at any of the stores we have visited. TP was definitely on the endangered species list. He was able to get the three packages that are allowed due to rationing (thanks, hoarders!), but he also scored two small containers of antibacterial wipes. They are cherished possessions as they've been as scarce as hen's teeth as well. He quickly grabbed the handful of other items on the list, and found a brisket to smoke for dinner tonight. Then he dashed to the car to secure the much sought after items in the back of the car before the shelves again emptied. Since we are now being advised we will have to stay home through April, it feels good to know that we are set with our paper goods for now. What a world!
Jim smoked the brisket all day, and it was amazing. We have leftovers to freeze, and those will come in handy for a couple of quick, easy meals down the road.
smoked brisket |
The photo scavenger hunt contest was due today. Only three of us submitted our collages, so the lifestyle director just threw all the names in a hat to find the winner of a $100 local restaurant gift certificate. My name was not drawn (pretty sad when I had a one in three chance of winning), but here are the 45 photos I submitted. The first grouping was based on the alphabet, obviously, and the last seven had to be colors of the rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. The second collage was something crooked, straight, soft, smooth, rough, old, new, tiny, huge, high, low and beautiful. It was a fun way to occupy some time.
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